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Campbell Puckett Known As Pookie Online Faces Backlash For Insensitive Photoshoot

TikTok Influencer Apologizes for Antebellum-Themed Photoshoot

Campbell Puckett, known as Pookie online, faces backlash for insensitive photoshoot

Blogger expresses regret after photos of her at a plantation-themed event emerge

TikTok influencer Campbell Puckett, better known online as Pookie, has issued an apology after facing backlash for photos of her at what appears to be an Antebellum plantation-themed photoshoot.

The photos, which surfaced on social media, show Puckett wearing a white dress and posing in front of a plantation house. Many viewers criticized the photoshoot as insensitive and glorifying a period of American history marked by slavery and oppression.

In a statement posted on her Instagram account, Puckett apologized for the photoshoot. She said she understood the pain that the photos caused and that she regretted her actions.

"I am deeply sorry for the pain that my photoshoot has caused," Puckett wrote. "I understand that the Antebellum era was a time of great suffering for many people, and I should not have romanticized it in any way."

Puckett's apology comes amid a growing backlash against the use of Antebellum imagery in fashion and entertainment. Critics argue that these images trivialize the horrors of slavery and perpetuate a whitewashed version of history.

It remains to be seen whether Puckett's apology will be enough to salvage her reputation. However, her case serves as a reminder of the importance of cultural sensitivity and the need to respect the past.
